7 Ways To Get The Day Off To A Great Start

There’s a reason so many movies start with a montage that could be titled “main character oversleeps.”

Those precious first minutes, often called the most important of the day, have the power to set the tone for the ensuing 15 hours—for better or for worse. If you’re like me, for every world-beating week of 6:30 a.m. runs and premade oatmeal there are twice as many characterized by crazed post-snooze scrambling and harried outfit choices.

On most days, I feel like it would be a vast improvement to just have everything about 20% more together, starting with those first few moments of consciousness.

Most morning routines advice comes from household name-caliber luminaries. They meditate, get salon blowouts, and at least one part of their daily regime usually involves some kind of support staff. Don’t get me wrong: I do, actually, want to know what Kim Kardashian West, and Jessica Alba, and even Margaret Thatcher does (or did) first thing. But the chance that it’s going to be something I can immediately emulate is slim-to-pretty-much-none.

For those of us who have a boss but maybe not a personal yoga guru, who try to “dress for the job we want” but have yet to achieve the salary bracket of someone with a personal shopper, who are focused on efficiency and self-improvement but also have to take the train to work, the shovel-ready lifestyle advice can be scarce.

To that end, I cast a wide net asking other young professionals for the hacks, tips, gadgets, gizmos, habits, and products that get them to work on time with dry hair and a clear head nine times out of 10. True, none of the wisdom that appears here is rocket science—it’s more a grab bag of “things people have tried that work for them and might work for you”-- and the more optimized among us are probably already doing one-to-several of these things.

But for those of us still trying to achieve that elusive 20% margin of improvement, grab a pen and get ready to rethink Monday morning.

1. Bedtime schedules are not just for sleep training infants.

It turns out the most valuable part of your morning routine can be the few quick tasks you knock out the night before. The most oft-repeated piece of morning routine insight seems to be that everybody who’s anybody is laying their clothes out the night before.

“I’m a zombie in the morning,” one woman shared, “and cannot pick outfits last minute, so I put everything out on my chair the night before, down to the underwear, shoes and jewelry. I even put a pair of contact lenses out on the sink.”

The same goes for lunch or snacks you might be planning to pack. Dumping those sunflower seeds into a plastic bag will take you 30 seconds in your pre-bed prep, but they’re 30 seconds that will seem awfully easy to skip in the morning—all but guaranteeing a 4 p.m. trip to the vending machine for less virtuous vittles.

For a fancy twist, think of keeping your keys, transit pass, phone, etc. in the same place as emulating the mise-en-place methods of the highest caliber chefs.

2. Forget shining—rising is the bigger issue.

This is the part that has a lot of us stumped. Who can remember your best of intentions for starting the day bright and early when just a poke of the snooze button can extend the previous night a few blissful minutes?

While the cell phone alarm on which so many of us depend can be useful, removing your phone from your bedroom altogether—eliminating that Pavlovian response to an email buzz or the temptation to gaze into that blazing circadian death screen for a few minutes at 3 a.m.--was a top piece of advice. Even better? Put your phone somewhere out of the room, out of reach, but where you’ll still be able to hear the alarm. The effort of taking those few paces to turn it off will help you shake off your slumber.

One professional with a consistently early call-time suggested capitalizing on the ability to name your phone alarms, choosing messages (modified, slightly, for Forbes purposes) like “HEY GET OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW,” or making a favorite song your alarm tone and switching it up seasonally for some early-morning variety.

Disabling the snooze function on your phone alarm forces you to actually reset the alarm, a further deterrent to unintentional drifting off, while a Post-It note on your alarm clock with a reminder about that conference call you need to be on first thing will jog your memory even before you’ve seen your day’s agenda.

3. On a.m. workouts (Or, “You’re probably already sleeping in your yoga pants anyway.”)

So many people recommend working out first thing in the morning. You’re guaranteed a higher energy level throughout the day, and there’s no chance exercise will lose out to wine and TV as it sometimes does when you save it for the evening.

Want to work out in the morning? Make that decision the night before, and do everything you can to set yourself up for success. That means everything you need for work and the gym is packed and your bags are waiting by the door. One woman even suggested sleeping in your gym clothes to eliminate one more dawn-hour excuse (“But…my dresser is so far away…”) to skip your work out.

Accountability can also be a major motivator here. Signing up for a morning fitness class—and shelling out in advance, as required—can be a powerful shove. For a no-cost option, another professional suggested viewing that early-morning run as a great window for phone calls. As long as the person on the other end doesn’t mind some well-intentioned heavy breathing, your morning run can be a good time to check in with your early-rising dad, even-earlier-rising grandma, or that friend with the irregular work schedule that you can never seem to reach at 8:30 p.m.

4. You can’t dress for the job you want if you’re already late for the one you have.

The responses I received about how to improve your morning “toilette” could be summarized as a resounding endorsement for dry shampoo. (“God’s gift! I keep some at work and some at home so if I don’t have time to shower I can still look like maybe I did.”)

Beyond ways to save time on lathering, rinsing, and repeating, respondents recommended finding a podcast or news app (suggestions include the free NPR app and newspapers like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal via Audible subscription) that will carry you through the hair/makeup/dressing part of your routine and onto the bus or train, so by the time you’re put together and on your way, you’re also fully briefed.

And, while this won’t be news to the more sartorially-inclined among us, don’t overlook the power of a “statement” piece. Several people recommended investing in a couple of fail-safe pieces of apparel—a large, bold necklace, a great pair of boots, the perfect blazer—that will pull it all together on the days when you’ve just thrown it on.

Finally, consider setting an alarm for the time you want to leave the house. "It usually snaps me out of whatever I’ve allowed myself to become distracted by and gets me back on track."

5. Don’t skip breakfast. Rethink it.

Recommendations about the most important meal of the day tend to be unified: Keep it simple, make it portable. There’s a lot of affection for the Mason jar smoothie. No strange-lidded must-stay-upright plastic commuter mug necessary—just blend, pour, screw on the lid, and toss it in your bag. One respondent said in addition to fresh produce he also buys whatever looks good in the frozen fruit section of Trader Joe’s each week and works around that (“Flexible recipes are good, because we all forget to buy bananas sometimes.”)

Ensure it stays cold all the way to work by blending before you get in the shower and popping it in the freezer until you’re ready to leave, or toss in a frozen banana.

See also: Overnight oats, and cold brew coffee concentrate (for when you don’t have time to wait for the coffee maker but still need a fix.)

6. Commuting: A stranger’s umbrella is pressing on your spleen. You can still get some reading done.

As animals adapt to new habitats, humans adapt to commuting—including finding ways to make cellular devices highly useful even when they don’t have service. One colleague I spoke with saves work-related reading and research as PDFs so she can access them from her phone and breeze through on the train—even when she doesn’t get a seat.

Another loads her entire Twitter feed from the previous eight hours before going underground. (“ You know how the Twitter mobile app only goes back a few hours and then you have to click ‘load Tweets?’ I load all those tweets when I’m walking to the subway so I can read it when I’m ON the subway. Fancy, I know.”)

And a respondent who hates both dedicated gym-time and public transit sang the praises of biking to work. (“Exercise where you don’t have to talk to anyone, can see the outside world, and wake up gradually while in the open air.”)
Overwhelmingly, the advice for you is “get dressed.” Sure, working from home gives you the optionto email in bed, still wearing your pajamas. Don’t. “You'll still think it's relax time.”

Source: Forbes
